WebCraft Notes

A passion-driven journey through the world of web development from an enthusiastic learner's perspective.

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Building a Robust E-Commerce Store with Nuxt.js

The path to becoming a great software developer is paved with practice, practice, and more practice. This tutorial on building an e-commerce store with Nuxt.js offers you an opportunity to hone your development skills, d...

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Build an E-Commerce Store with Nuxt.js

Following the success of my previous series, 'Building a Simple CRM with Vue,' I'm energized by the enthusiastic response and eager to embark on a fresh journey with all of you. In this new series, we'll delve into the r...

Building Your E-Commerce Store with Nuxt.js: A Step-by-Step Guide to Project Setup

In our previous post, we laid the groundwork for our e-commerce project, discussing its structure, design considerations, and the technologies we'll employ. Now, it's time to bring our plan to life. Our journey begins wi...

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Enhancing Your E-Commerce Site: Custom Fonts, Global Styles, and Layout Setup

In today's article, we're diving deeper into the enhancement of our e-commerce store with Nuxt.js. Fonts play a crucial role in shaping the identity and user experience of a website, making them a key component of any su...

Building Header and Footer for Your E-Commerce Website with Nuxt.js

We established the fundamental layout structure for our e-commerce store in our previous article. However, without necessary elements like the Header and Footer, our trip wouldn't be complete. We'll configure these cruci...

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Constructing Key Pages for Your E-Commerce Site: Shop, Cart, and Product Pages

We continue building our E-commerce platform with Nuxt.js. In a previous article, we finished with the main layout, header, and footer, so in this article, we will jump into crafting HTML/CSS templates for our pages like...

Implementing Pinia for Efficient State Management in Nuxt.js Online Stores

In this article, we will talk about the Pinia store for Nuxt.js projects. We already built the main pages for our e-commerce store and are ready to populate our project with functionality, but first, we need to...

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Designing Responsive Modals and User Notifications for Nuxt.js E-commerce Platform

In our previous article, we finished creating our e-commerce store main pages, and now it's time to move further and add some dynamic elements like modals and notifications. First of all modal window, will be useful for ...

Fetching and Presenting Products in Nuxt.js for Your E-Commerce Store

Finally, interesting stuff, after we finish with UI we can move to implementing the main functionality. So in this article, we will talk about fetching data from the server and storing it in the Pinia storage, also we wi...

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Taking Your E-Commerce Store to the Next Level: Building Cart and Wishlist Features with Nuxt.js

Today we will make one more step in our creating e-commerce store journey. In our last part, we already added features that fetch and render product data, and now we will add more improvements to our online store. We wil...

From Shopping Cart to Order: Implementing Checkout and Data Handling in Nuxt.js

As you've seen in the title, in this article we will work on our Checkout page. We will finish with our form, also configure data receiving from the user, and send sale requests to the server. That will be an interesting...

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Optimizing E-Commerce Navigation with Pagination, Sorting, and Filter Features

We are making our store more and more user-friendly, and today we will make one more step in our e-commerce store improvement. In previous articles, we have already added pagination, sorting, and filters but they were on...

Optimizing for Search Engines: Implementing Meta Tags

In this article let's talk about SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) a little bit. Why is SEO important for our e-commerce store? It's simple, we want our store was not only a catalog of products, but we also want users cou...

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Final Touches: Prepping Your Nuxt.js E-Commerce Store for Production

As we approach the finish line of building our Nuxt.js e-commerce store, we've successfully added all the necessary pages and functionality, as well as implemented meta tags for improved search engine optimization (SEO)....

Crossing the Finish Line with Nuxt.js: Generating SSR Pages, Sitemaps, and Robots.txt for Your E-Commerce Store

We did it, we are on the finish line of building our e-commerce store with Nuxt.js. A few important things that we still need to handle are generating pages, setting up a sitemap, and configuring robots.txt. By generatin...

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